
We have a large selection of materials that offer great savings. Some are going out of the collection so please make sure you buy enough to complete your entire project as we probably will not be able to get any more. Some products we are offering at reduced prices because the factory might have had an overstock at deeply discounted prices. Others might be promotionally priced to encourage people to experiment a little.
Petal Mix: Spring Breeze
Availability: 14
Petal Mix: Himalayan Poppy
Availability: 61
Petal Mix: Autumn Hedgerow
Availability: 7
Snippet Mix: Sandstorm
Availability: 45
Snippet Mix: Tropix
Availability: 105
Snippet Mix: Twilight
Availability: 34
Petal Mix: Snowdrop
Availability: 20
Petal Mix: Snapdragon
Availability: 50
Snippet Mix: Greenhouse
Availability: 93
Snippet Mix: Golden Hour
Availability: 62
Snippet Mix: Sunburst
Availability: 95
Snippet Mix: Heatwave
Availability: 69
Snippet Mix: Mistral
Availability: 69
Snippet Mix: Dreamdrift
Availability: 89
Snippet Mix: Nimbus
Availability: 59
Snippet Mix: Rivulet
Availability: 42
Snippet Mix: Open Seas
Availability: 77
Petal Mix: Cosmos
Availability: 21
Petal Mix: Cherry Blossom
Availability: 21
Petal Mix: Jonquil
Availability: 46
Petal Mix: Begonia
Availability: 184
Petal Mix: Morning Glory
Availability: 10
Petal Mix: Heather
Availability: 185
8mm Aqua Isles (500g)
Availability: 4
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Baked Ochre (500g)
Availability: 33
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Black Velvet (500g)
Availability: 6
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Faded Glory  (500g)
Availability: 11
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Green Fronds (500g)
Availability: 12
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Grey Skies (500g)
Availability: 12
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58
8mm Ivory Keys (500g)
Availability: 17
Special Price €6.29 Regular Price €12.58